FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


FEU Tech's CESO and EdITH Bring Virtual Reality to NSTP Disaster Education

FEU Tech's CESO and EdITH have joined forces to introduce the use of virtual reality in disaster preparedness training for NSTP courses.

October 7, 2024


FEU Institute of Technology’s Community and Extension Services Office (CESO), through the Educational Innovation and Technology Hub (EdITH), recently debuted its innovative solution for teaching disaster preparedness and risk management lessons to National Service Training Program (NSTP) trainers using virtual reality during “Bigkis: The 1st Consortium of NSTP Implementers in the City of Greater Manila,” held at the Multi-Purpose Room of FEU Tech on October 4.

FEU Tech's pioneering initiative marked a significant milestone, making it the first university in the Philippines to incorporate virtual reality in its NSTP program. This bold step is sure to inspire and intrigue educators and students alike.

Clark Raven B. Maranan, EdITH’s 3D Artist, demonstrated how VR can be used to teach disaster preparedness to the consortium’s attendees, who hailed from other schools in the Greater Manila area. He showed how accessible and immersive the experience can be, allowing students to learn about the respective course while remaining interested.

Possible Benefits of VR in NSTP

Integrating virtual reality into NSTP (National Service Training Program) modules presents a groundbreaking opportunity to enhance civic education and foster a deeper understanding of societal issues. By immersing students in simulated real-world scenarios, VR can provide a more engaging and impactful learning experience. For instance, students can virtually participate in disaster relief efforts, environmental conservation projects, or community development initiatives. It allows them to empathize with those affected and learn firsthand the challenges.

Moreover, VR equips students with practical skills by facilitating collaborative learning and problem-solving. This interactive approach can inspire students to become active and engaged citizens with the skills and knowledge to impact their communities, instilling confidence and preparedness positively.

The Relevance of Teaching Disaster Preparedness

FEU Tech’s NSTP has taken a proactive stance in preparing its students for the realities of the modern world, particularly the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters. By integrating disaster preparedness into its curriculum, the NSTP is fulfilling a civic duty and equipping its graduates with essential life skills that transcend academic knowledge.

Unfortunately, the Philippines’ geography makes it prone to typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural calamities. Recognizing the potential threats to its community and nation, the FEU Institute of Technology has wisely prioritized disaster preparedness in its NSTP program. This initiative empowers students to become not just passive observers but active participants in their safety and well-being, as well as that of their fellow citizens.

Beyond the immediate benefits of disaster preparedness, the NSTP program at FEU Institute of Technology fosters a sense of civic responsibility and community engagement. By learning and practicing disaster response skills, students develop a deeper understanding of their societal role and the importance of collective action. This knowledge and experience can be invaluable in building resilient communities and promoting sustainable development in the face of adversity.

Developing a Game That Caters to the Topic

For their capstone project, fourth-year students from the Black Elite group developed a virtual reality game that allows students to immerse themselves in emergencies that could occur on campus. As of writing, the developers have already optimized most of the game to show certain situations during an earthquake in the building.

One of the game's key features is its focus on giving students choices during crucial situations. It shows them the possible consequences of their actions or provides relevant tips to ensure their safety and that of their companions, enhancing their decision-making skills in real-life emergencies.

As FEU Tech pioneers the integration of virtual reality into its NSTP program, it sets a precedent for other educational institutions to follow. By harnessing the power of technology, the university is revolutionizing how disaster preparedness is taught and equipping its students with the essential skills to become responsible and resilient citizens.

Written by: Patricia Bianca S. Taculao-Deligero

Patricia Bianca S. Taculao-Deligero is a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Graduate from the University of Santo Tomas. She has an extensive portfolio from working in various local media outlets, with articles focusing on lifestyle, entertainment, agriculture, technology, and local government units, among other subjects. Her specialty is in feature writing. She is also proficient in news writing.