FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


EdITHABLE Episode 4 Highlights the Role of AI in Streamlining School Administration

The recently concluded EdITHABLE Episode unlocked the potential of AI tools and strategies for educators and staff to improve teaching and school management.

August 21, 2024


The recently concluded EdITHABLE Episode 4, held at the FEU Tech Innovation Center last August 14, Wednesday, with the theme "AI in the Workplace: Practical Applications for Educators and Associates to Improve Teaching and School Management," successfully shared practical tools and strategies on how educators and associates from the Far Eastern University group of schools: Alabang, Diliman, and Institute of Technology.

EdITHABLE is an episode-by-episode exploration, carefully curated to delve into diverse topics shaping the future of learning. It is not just a series of seminars but an immersive journey that inspires and embraces the transformative power of technology and its seamless integration into education.

For its fourth leg, EdITHABLE aimed to equip educators and school administrators with the knowledge and skills to harness artificial intelligence's potential to enhance teaching and school management, allowing them to gain a solid understanding of AI concepts, tools, and technologies to revolutionize classrooms and school operations.

From Left to Right: Ms. Jacklyn Anne C. Mantolino (Director of the Human Resources Office), Ms. Rossana T. Adao (Executive Director of FEU Institute of Technology), Mr. Dominic Ligot (Head of Research and AI, ITBAP), Ms. Zoe Diaz De Rivera (Academic Linkages and Talent Attraction Lead, ITBAP), Mr. Allan Tan (Managing Director of Monstar Lab), Ms. Samantha Sadorra (Director of Industry-Academe Linkages, Alumni, and Placement Office), and Dr. Manuel B. Garcia (Founding Director of the Educational Innovation and Technology Hub).

During the event's first half, Mr. Dominic Ligot dove into the heart of EdITHABLE Episode 4. His talk gave attendees a reasonable guide to understanding generative AI fundamentals, identifying practical tools for everyday tasks, and AI-driven strategies to boost productivity and innovation, among other objectives.

Mr. Ligot is a renowned data analyst, researcher, and entrepreneur at the forefront of harnessing AI for social impact. With a proven track record of innovation, he is a global authority on data ethics, AI ethics, and data literacy. As the founder of CirroLytix and Data Ethics PH, Mr. Ligot dedicated himself to addressing critical societal challenges through data-driven solutions. His expertise spans human rights, public health, and environmental issues, making him a compelling voice on the responsible use of technology.

Since many still need to be convinced about using AI in various scenarios, Mr. Ligot emphasized that the AI many are familiar with is different from the popular AI nowadays. Discriminative and generative AI represent two distinct approaches to machine learning. Discriminative AI focuses on learning the boundaries between different data classes, aiming to classify new data points accurately. On the other hand, generative AI seeks to understand the underlying data distribution and generate new data instances similar to the training data. This capability allows for tasks like creating realistic images, composing music, or generating text, as seen in tools like image generators or text-to-image models.

Generative AI can help educators and associates with tasks like content creation, summarization, analysis, developing interactive content, and producing audio and images.

Mr. Ligot also ingrained the ethical use of generative AI among the attendees of EdITHABLE Episode 4. The resource speaker said that AI users should incorporate values like fairness, accuracy, and accountability into their applications. Additionally, guidelines and frameworks, education and training, and collaboration and engagement strategies should address ethics in AI.

The ethical use of AI was also the topic during the afternoon session of EdITHABLE Episode 4. Mr. Allan Tan conducted a workshop activity and presentation coinciding with the event's theme. Mr. Tan is a technopreneur at heart. He founded Ideyatech in 2007 and is passionate about developing unique, life-changing solutions. Mr. Tan has dedicated his career to information technology over the past 20 years. He has mastered software development, which is valid for its technical and management aspects. Allan is an AI engineer who builds various AI solutions using OpenAI and Google AI.

In addition to the values and other legal guidelines that moderate the use of AI, Mr. Tan also presented possible AI benefits and threats in education. For instance, content development and differentiation could also lead to plagiarism and academic dishonesty.

Ultimately, EdITHABLE Episode 4 equipped educators and administrators with the skills to create a more efficient and effective learning environment, empowering them to drive innovation and improve student outcomes by understanding and leveraging AI.

Visit https://edith.feutech.edu.ph/edithable/ for more information.

Written by: Patricia Bianca S. Taculao-Deligero

Patricia Bianca S. Taculao-Deligero is a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Graduate from the University of Santo Tomas. She has an extensive portfolio from working in various local media outlets, with articles focusing on lifestyle, entertainment, agriculture, technology, and local government units, among other subjects. Her specialty is in feature writing. She is also proficient in news writing.