FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Valentine's Day in the Metaverse: Examining School Event Celebrations in Virtual Worlds Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach

Proceedings of the 2024 8th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology

DOI: 10.1145/3678726.3678739

Garcia, Manuel B.

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub

FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines

Quejado, Clievenze Karl

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub

FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines

Maranan, Clark Raven B.

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub

FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines

Ualat, Owen N.

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub

FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines

Adao, Rossana T.

Office of the Executive Director

FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines

Abstract: Educational institutions orchestrate a variety of in-school events and activities to enrich the student experience. Given their benefits, it is crucial to encourage student participation. With the recent advent of the metaverse, there is an opportunity to engage students due to their inclination toward adopting such technologies. However, the dynamics of celebrating school events within these virtual worlds remain largely unexplored. Our study sought to address this gap by examining school event celebrations in the metaverse through an appreciative inquiry approach. During Valentine's Day, we introduced a special edition of our educational metaverse (i.e., MILES Virtual World) tailored to celebrate the occasion. We discovered that conducting school events in the metaverse requires the integration of real-life social rituals to augment students' social experiences and foster a sense of community. Moreover, the need for realism and the mirroring of real-world traditions in virtual settings emerged as critical drivers for creating more emotionally satisfying and engaging user experiences. The challenge of encouraging student participation in physical events parallels the issue encountered in virtual worlds, where students may feel discouraged from participating if they do not observe their friends' presence within the metaverse. Our study also calls for collective engagement in shaping the virtual world to ensure more inclusive, engaging, and enriched educational metaverses. As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of immersive digital environments, the insights gained from our research underscore the importance of collaboration, innovation, and student agency in shaping the future of education.

Keywords: Metaverse, Digital Learning, Higher Education, Immersive Technology

Recommended Citation:

Garcia, M. B., Quejado, C. K., Maranan, C. R. B., Ualat, O. N. & Adao, R. T. (2023). Valentine's Day in the Metaverse: Examining School Event Celebrations in Virtual Worlds Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, 23-29. https://doi.org/10.1145/3678726.3678739.