FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Patricia Mae U. Madrigal


Servant Leader for God's Glory

Pasig, Metro Manila · FEU Diliman

1 Follower

Personal Information

Short Biography

I am passionate about training and equipping teachers. My firm belief is that if we are able to better equip our teachers, we get to ensure the future. When we teach students, we can influence a class. When we teach teachers, we can influence the whole student body. I am also a firm believer of servant leadership. The way I see it, leaders are able to forward the cause of their company when they are able to provide for the needs of their employees. This ensures that our employees are satisfied and focused on their work. It also helps build a strong sense of community in the workplace.

Much lighter than a real briefcase, and just as packed with potential!

Briefcase is a LinkedIn-style social media platform that empowers the FEU community to showcase their accomplishments within both the academic and professional spheres.

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