FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Roozemond Vincent S. Peralta


2nd Year BSITWMA

Quezon, Metro Manila · FEU Institute of Technology


Personal Information

Short Biography

I am a motivated and goal-driven professional with a mature and reliable approach to task management. Regardless of temporal constraints, I consistently deliver work of the highest quality with a commitment to professionalism. I am steadfast in ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and in accordance with the highest standards of excellence. My enthusiasm for achieving objectives is matched by a disciplined work ethic, allowing me to navigate diverse challenges and consistently contribute to successful project outcomes.



Beginner (57%)


Competent (67%)


Competent (67%)


Competent (67%)

Educational Qualification

Tertiary ┃ Sep 2022 - Present

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Web and Mobile Application Development · FEU Institute of Technology

Secondary ┃ Aug 2016 - Jun 2022

UST Angelicum College

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