FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Uriel J. Sugay


Visual Development and Animation

Quezon, Metro Manila · FEU Institute of Technology

Personal Information

Short Biography

My goal is to align my skills in art and creatives with topics on environment and climate crisis. Currently my work reflects art and social media used to boost awareness on environmental issues.


Graphic Design

Competent (70%)

2D Illustration

Competent (70%)

2D Animation

Competent (65%)

Leadership and Management

Advanced (75%)

Educational Qualification

Tertiary ┃ Aug 2020 - Present

Bachelor of Multimedia Arts

FEU Institute of Technology

Work Experience

Internship ┃ Dec 2023 - Apr 2024 - (4 months)

Intern at Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc.

Content and Production

Jun 2022 - Jun 2023 - (1 year)

Vice President - Internals at FEU Tech Tribe of EMC and Multimedia Arts Students


Jun 2021 - Jun 2022 - (1 year)

Animation Guild Leader at FEU Tech Tribe of EMC and Multimedia Arts Students


Freelance ┃ Oct 2020 - Present - (3 years and 11 months)

Climate Reality Leader at The Climate Reality Project, Philippines

Honors and Awards

2TSY2122 CCSMA Dean's Lister (Bronze)

Issued by FEU Institute of Technology on March 28, 2022

View Credential

Licenses and Certifications

Adobe Certified Professional in Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator

Issued by Adobe on November 28, 2023

View Credential

Much lighter than a real briefcase, and just as packed with potential!

Briefcase is a LinkedIn-style social media platform that empowers the FEU community to showcase their accomplishments within both the academic and professional spheres.

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