FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Cyrill James G. Dela Cruz



Manila, Metro Manila · FEU Institute of Technology

Personal Information

Short Biography

I am actively pursuing an internship position that provides a conducive environment for my professional growth. My goal is to apply and further develop my knowledge and skills, ensuring they are effectively utilized to contribute significant value to the company. I am eager to immerse myself in a dynamic work setting, where I can learn, adapt, and make meaningful contributions to both my personal and the company’s professional advancement.


Web Designer

Novice (47%)

Video Editing

Beginner (52%)

Graphic Designer

Novice (43%)

Computer Literacy

Advanced (75%)

Much lighter than a real briefcase, and just as packed with potential!

Briefcase is a LinkedIn-style social media platform that empowers the FEU community to showcase their accomplishments within both the academic and professional spheres.

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