FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Jerowe A. Tan


Ohh maa ohh ma gaaa

Manila, Metro Manila · FEU Institute of Technology

Personal Information

Short Biography

If you could see that I'm the one Who understands you Been here all along So, why can't you see? You belong with me You belong with me


Web Development

Master (100%)


Master (100%)

Motion Graphics

Master (100%)

Monster Hunter

Novice (12%)


Novice (13%)

Honors and Awards

2TSY2122 CCSMA Dean's Lister (Bronze)

Issued by FEU Institute of Technology on March 28, 2022

View Credential

Seminars and Trainings


Nanolearning: Bite-Sized Content as the Next Big Trend in Contemporary Education

Awarded by Educational Innovation and Technology Hub on December 12, 2023

View Credential

Much lighter than a real briefcase, and just as packed with potential!

Briefcase is a LinkedIn-style social media platform that empowers the FEU community to showcase their accomplishments within both the academic and professional spheres.

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