FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Jose Gabriel P. Nery


Civil Engineering

Imus, Cavite · FEU Institute of Technology

1 Follower

Personal Information

Short Biography

Gabriel is currently a third-year BS Civil Engineering student at FEU Institute of Technology. His strong proficiency in events management has provided him with valuable opportunities to immerse himself in the dynamic world of technopreneurship. Through his involvement in various event organization tasks, he has honed his skills and expanded his knowledge in this field. In addition to his academic pursuits, he has a track record of notable achievements. During his elementary years, he achieved the distinction of being the valedictorian, and in high school, he consistently earned a place on the president's list, demonstrating his dedication to maintaining high academic standards. Furthermore, he is actively striving to set an exemplary example in the realms of student leadership and academics, as he continues to grow and excel in these areas. Currently, he is the President of the Association of Student Technopreneurs and Innovators of FEU Institute of Technology.

Organizations and Memberships

FEU Tech Association of Student Technopreneurs and Innovators

President · August 30, 2023 - Present

FEU Tech Student Coordinating Council

Executive Secretary · August 31, 2022 - August 02, 2023

FEU Tech Freshmen Society

PRO for External Affairs · April 14, 2022 - May 04, 2023

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