FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Patrick Joseph C. Tolentino


Who Am I

Las Piñas, Metro Manila · FEU Alabang

Personal Information

Short Biography

Hi, I'm Patrick Joseph C. Tolentino student under the course of BSBA-FMBA. I'm current a first year college, planning on creating business in the future after finishing this course, my aims for this Academic year is to create pretty amazing experiences to share to people around me. Make use of knowledges I've collected to use in future occupation or businesses, I'll gladly share the steps I've to my fellow students to give them ideas on how to create somethings they've learned while they're still studying. Being a student of FEU Alabang, I've learned that using everything before is very important for a greater result the future, using skills, talents and processes can help you become a person with a far more greater knowledge than everybody else that you know. That's all thank you

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