FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Mc Maurice R. Manuel


Mc Maurice R. Manuel

Manila, Metro Manila · FEU Institute of Technology

Personal Information

Short Biography

Mc Maurice R. Manuel is a Computer Science student at FEU TECH, specializing in Software Engineering. He excels in Project Management, Leadership, Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Software Development, Machine Learning, and Problem Solving. Driven by a passion for innovation, Mc Maurice seeks internships to enhance his skills and gain valuable industry experience.


Adobe Premiere

Expert (85%)

Adobe Photoshop

Expert (85%)

Microsoft Word

Expert (85%)

Microsoft Excel

Expert (85%)

Microsoft PowerPoint

Expert (85%)

Licenses and Certifications

IT Specialist - Python

Issued by Certiport on June 25, 2023

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DevNet Associate

Issued by Cisco Networking Academy on December 10, 2022

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CCNA: Introduction to Networks

Issued by Cisco Networking Academy on August 03, 2022

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IT Specialist - Java

Issued by Certiport on January 21, 2022

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Organizations and Memberships

Technology Innovation in Capstone Project (TICAP)

Secretary - CS-SE / IT-SMBA / IT-WMA · May 08, 2024 - July 22, 2024

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