FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Leinna Sophia B. Malay


BSCSSE Student at FEU Institute of Technology

Quezon, Metro Manila ยท FEU Institute of Technology

Personal Information

Short Biography

BSCSSE Student interested in computer and technology-related studies, as well as programming activities. I am also looking forward to experiencing more networking opportunities to expand my knowledge and gain insightful experiences that can help me become a more effective professional in the future. As someone who also enjoys artistic pursuits, I wish to gain the right skillset to synthesize knowledge of tech and art to produce high-quality media and programs. More specifically, I hope to be part of a game development team.

Seminars and Trainings


Let's Glow, Tamaraws! Freshmen Orientation and Welcome Event

Awarded by FEU Tech Academic Services on August 29, 2024

View Credential

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