Showing 13 testimonials
CPE Associate
Nov 26, 2024 03:27:06 pmThis seminar provided valuable insights into the 5S methodology, offering practical techniques for improving workspace organization and efficiency. The session equipped the participants with actionable strategies to assess and optimize their environments. The emphasis on sustainability and standardization ensures that these practices can lead to long-term improvements in workplace operations. An excellent seminar for professionals aiming to enhance organizational productivity.

Excellent and relevant topics that helps and guides our associates.

Informative seminar that tackles the importance of 5s in work setup.

Topic was clearly explained. Moderator was well knowledged on the topic.
IT Associate
Oct 2, 2024 05:01:14 pmThe 5S reorientation is highly beneficial for all offices, as it enhances efficiency, organization, and overall workplace quality.

This is a good refresher for us, and I believe the updated checklist is better.
LIB Associate
Sep 30, 2024 08:57:16 amThe 5S Audit Reorientation was an excellent refresher on the principles of workplace organization, particularly in reinforcing the importance of maintaining efficiency and safety in our daily operations.
EdITH Associate
Sep 24, 2024 04:25:19 pmIt was a good and concise seminar. The topic was straightforward and well-organized. I definitely learned something about organizing my things and being efficient at my workstation.

Very insightful and helpful for all the offices of both Diliman and Tech.
SADO Associate
Sep 23, 2024 02:52:38 pmVery Informative and helpful for each office in the FEU Diliman and Tech

Great input and updates were made! Can we have a copy of the sample updated checksheet? It would be a great reminder on what to check/5S on a regular basis.

The 'Mastering 5S' program was exceptional! The content was clear and engaging, with practical examples that truly resonated. Seminar enhanced our learning allowing us to apply the principles directly. Overall, it was a well-organized and engaging experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to improve efficiency and organization!
INNOV Associate
Sep 23, 2024 02:29:29 pmThe concept of 5S was explained clearly and concisely, and other concerns were also addressed appropriately.