FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Let's Glow, Tamaraws: Get This Journey Started Batch 2

This freshmen orientation and welcome event is designed to introduce new Tamaraws to the FEU Tech Student Journey.

Event Evaluation

Based on 125 ratings

351 people attended this event.

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Showing 125 testimonials

Euler James T. Natividad Sep 11, 2024 12:08:09 pm

It was a fantastic experience with vibrant lights, great music, and an amazing crowd. The atmosphere was electric, and the organizers did a stellar job. Looking forward to more such events in the future!

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Archie T. Montecalvo Sep 6, 2024 12:00:49 pm

The event was unforgettable because the institution provide a lot of booth so the students had enjoy the event.

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker

BSECE Student

Sep 6, 2024 11:50:25 am

No side comments, This event is extremely excellent and enjoyable for the freshmens

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Sep 3, 2024 08:07:10 pm

Successful event! Hoping for more welcoming events soon!

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Sep 3, 2024 02:04:52 pm

overall good event and very accommodating seniors

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 04:40:33 pm

It's great to hear that the Freshmen Welcome event was good and fun! Positive energy and enjoyment are key to making new students feel comfortable and excited about their journey ahead.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Yexelnathan O. Sy Aug 30, 2024 03:10:14 pm

I want to play vr again :) Aside from that, the event is spectacular and is really welcoming for the freshmen with the variety of booths that are needed to know what to expect in FEUTECH.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Johann Markus S. Abion Aug 30, 2024 09:38:12 am

everything is great and the staffs are very nice to the students

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Ivan Mark M. Lizardo Aug 30, 2024 09:28:35 am

The orientation was organized very well. It make me feel welcome in the school since the staff are approachable. The booths was fun and exciting

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 09:15:49 am

I was satisfied with the overall experience of the event. Even though I was intimidated by my new surroundings, I was able to be comfortable because of the event. I felt very welcomed, and they assured us that they will guide us freshmans in every step of our journey.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Ken Andrei G. Santos Aug 30, 2024 09:10:13 am

The Event was great and i hope it can improve and have more fun and students will allow to explore more about feutech

4.3 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
3.0 Speaker
James Harvey B. Peralta Aug 30, 2024 09:03:50 am

The speech and the interactive booths are great! If I only had enough time to explore all of them.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Juan Miguel V. Villanueva Aug 30, 2024 09:02:30 am

Well the event is good and engaging but still I feel like there is something lacking

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Levi M. Lozada Aug 30, 2024 08:52:08 am

it was a good orientation and well organized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 08:50:53 am

The event was nice, it was able to captivate the energies of upcoming freshmens!

3.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
3.0 Relevance
3.0 Speaker
Christian G. IbaÑez Aug 30, 2024 08:50:11 am

dont have any comments hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Aldrin Brylle E. Marapao Aug 30, 2024 08:49:38 am

I don't have any recommendations and comments, all good.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 08:48:36 am

the way the orientation is presented feels like more like a fair that's what makes the orientation fun for me

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Isaiah James P. AraÑas Aug 30, 2024 08:46:31 am

I hope they can give free water bottles next time.

4.7 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 07:37:31 am

It's a great event to meet your classmates and new people from different blocks, and also the bingo card is a great way to familiarize the faculties.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 06:47:53 am

It was really fun because there were many booths that we went to

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 06:44:20 am

It was quite enjoyable and informative. I was very excited to learn more about my course and the services I could get from FEU Tech.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 06:34:55 am

It was a very engaging and Interesting event. It allowed me to understand all services of FEUTech.

3.0 Overall Rating
1.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 06:29:05 am

Welcoming and interactive event. Should be repeated for the upcoming freshmen in the future.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 06:24:39 am

this is a good start hoping to learn here for 4 years.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Josef Karol C. Degollado Aug 30, 2024 06:20:59 am

The event was very engaging and insightful and made me look forward to what's to come.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Simoune Nicole S. Toquero Aug 30, 2024 04:27:51 am

The event was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The host, staff,seniors, and guests were very welcoming and interactive with the audience.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 01:04:10 am

I think the event for the orientation for freshman is a well planed activity to explore the booths and to have a fun time experience. And listening to the speakers to show us how it works in the feu collage, overall the orientation is excellent.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
3.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 30, 2024 12:49:12 am

They were very welcoming and helped me anticipate many exciting things to come in my college journey.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Emran Ryan C. Maina Aug 30, 2024 12:21:16 am

The orientation gave us an exciting insights about what to expect inside the campus, the different types of what the universities offers in terms of different academic and non-academic organizations. And also what our university has, which other universities doesn't.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Aldrich S. Sy, I Aug 30, 2024 12:19:23 am

The event was great and fun. I also won at the basketball booth and got a free T-shirt. I hope there will be more events like this. Thank you, FEU!

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 11:44:46 pm

The event was generally fine, it was upbeat, the speakers/ host were engaging and informative with the knowledge that they shared, and overall I would say the event was a success all in all.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 11:44:18 pm

The icebreakers where very engaging. It made everyone participate and react. In my opinion the orientation should be more engaging.

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 11:23:33 pm

great event, but needs more event management as I was unable to complete the event

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Marquis Benedict A. Navarro Aug 29, 2024 11:14:04 pm

I found the human Bingo a very fun idea of students interacting with the new environment along with learning policies, rules, offices, etc. However, personally, I found it somewhat hard to understand/map out the area and where booths are.

3.3 Overall Rating
3.0 Satisfaction
3.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Lester M. Felix Aug 29, 2024 11:05:58 pm

My overall experience with the freshman orientation was excellent. The most helpful part of the orientation was the campus tour, which gave me a clear sense of where everything is located. The sessions were informative and relevant, particularly the workshops on time management and study skills, which I found very valuable. The orientation schedule was well-organized, making it easy to attend all the sessions without feeling overwhelmed. The orientation team was approachable and always ready to help, which made the experience more comfortable. After attending the orientation, I feel more prepared and confident to start my freshman year. One suggestion for improvement would be to include more opportunities for small group interactions to help students get to know each other better. Overall, it was a very positive experience.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
John Adrian N. Reforsado Aug 29, 2024 09:57:29 pm

The event was well organized and the flow was continous with no disruptions, overall a good orientation.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Javin Glynne S. Mayawin Aug 29, 2024 09:40:31 pm

it was filled with knowledge for the beginning of our journey in feutech.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 09:37:57 pm

The event was filled with knowledge for us students on how to begin our journey in FEU Tech.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker

BSECE Student

Aug 29, 2024 09:18:44 pm

It was really fun and it helped us learn more about FEU

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Juliah T. Nash Aug 29, 2024 09:17:37 pm

The event was very inciteful. It helped us to get to know the school and things that will help us survive this school year (Canvas)

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Carl Benedict S. Atienza Aug 29, 2024 08:31:47 pm

No comment. The event went smoothly and all of us did have fun.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 08:25:35 pm

the event is really super energetic and nice booth. :D

4.7 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Jexzer Zeon S. Chua Aug 29, 2024 07:54:40 pm

The orientation Was very informative and very exhilarating after hearing about what's unique about this school.

4.0 Overall Rating
3.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Rean Adrian E. Valencia Aug 29, 2024 07:46:39 pm

The event for me was fun I met alot of people and did alot of activities sadly I couldn't finish the human bingo.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 07:19:48 pm

It was definitely informative, but there were not enough seats to accommodate all the students. Even though many arrived late to the event, it should still have been able to hold a larger number of students. However, I had fun and learned a lot about the school and the systems/apps that we will use. The speakers were engaging and provided prizes, and the dance performance was enjoyable too. Overall, it was a great experience!

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 07:14:35 pm

Overall, it was good. I learned a lot about feu tech, and I'm really glad that they have something like the tutor thing because it can really help students who're having a hard time.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Sebastian Gabriel R. Soriano Aug 29, 2024 06:26:09 pm

umm, sayang sa mga free gifts sa bring me na game HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Cyrus Dominic H. Manalili Aug 29, 2024 06:24:05 pm

Being on the nearer side of where the drummer performed has given me great experiences, but it was just a little bit too loud for me to handle. The drummer's performance was fantastic, but it was so loud that at one point my ears would start to revert negatively.

4.7 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 06:18:53 pm

I love the opportunity to actually roam around the campus to see what's around! Thank you!

4.7 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Samantha Gabrielle B. Teodosio Aug 29, 2024 06:15:49 pm

It was very informative and I learned a lot of things. Hoping to see more in the future.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 05:04:38 pm

Could have mapped the booth destination a little more specific to avoid confusion. Still, all is well with all the staff ready to entertain questions when you're lost.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Nico Evangelo B. Llaguno Aug 29, 2024 04:51:51 pm

It was a fun event and the people are very welcoming

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Mary Laureen F. Alagos Aug 29, 2024 04:31:42 pm

I like to enthusiasm of the hosts. the icebeeakers really helped lessen the nervousness i felt during the orientation.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Jeremiah Abel N. Lim Aug 29, 2024 04:17:20 pm

It was fun and an amazing content that the Speakers gave, and how innovative the FEU Tech is.

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 04:11:53 pm

The event is fun and good. The event helps me to find new friends and learn more about the university

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 04:09:58 pm

It was greatly informative and helped me familiarize what the schools offers in terms of communication and connection with the students.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 03:13:17 pm

it was decent and the information provided for the students were relevant and useful.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 03:01:09 pm

it was a fun experience, since I have also managed to make new friends as well as learn more about the school.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Christian Angelo Tamayo Aug 29, 2024 10:32:52 am

The event was fun through and through. My major gripe in the event was the management of grouping the students, yes it wasn't as strict but due to this some of the freshmen choose to go home without actually completing the event.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
3.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Jerahmeel D. Romero Aug 29, 2024 08:14:28 am

The event was a lot of fun. The school services booths were well-decorated, and the staff members were incredibly kind and helpful. My friends and I had a great time and really enjoyed everything about the event.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 29, 2024 12:04:56 am

The event was very informative and insightful For freshies helping us out to kickstart our journey.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 11:30:21 pm

In my experience, this event helped me a lot to be ready for the start of academic year 2024-2025.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Kevin Carl M. Alejo Aug 28, 2024 11:15:15 pm

it's a good event and the speaker is very good explaining everything that we need ro know in school

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Jirha C. Abit Aug 28, 2024 10:52:23 pm

The overall event was informative and really raised the tamaraw in me (especially when the drums played part), I just hope they did it two times because the first one we just listened on the drums I just hope they did it for the second time so we can do the chant, but still it was great and very UAAP feels. The MC's and speakers were really great too.

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 10:19:33 pm

The orientation was informative and well-organized, providing an overview of what to expect during my four years at FEU TECH. The event also created a welcoming atmosphere, making me feel more comfortable and excited about starting my studies here.

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 09:22:53 pm

overall great i really they discuss the OSES too becuase idk what it is and i cant open it right now.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 09:00:18 pm

Made it very fun for the first day and made the students explore the campus/building. Also very informative

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 09:00:10 pm

The event was successfully and outstandingly done.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 08:58:02 pm

None, The event showed me some information that I'd probably not use in long term so I don't have any feedback to say.

3.3 Overall Rating
3.0 Satisfaction
3.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Brent P. Verdera Aug 28, 2024 08:48:02 pm

its good and nice, and good and nice and good and so so good. Plus it so nice and so nice so so so good

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Josh Marion M. Camacho Aug 28, 2024 08:34:47 pm

Very nice, even won some goodies!~ Hosts were energetic and the activities were engaging- great welcoming!

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 08:24:15 pm

Everything was great! All of the staffs and the profs are approachable.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker

BSECE Student

Aug 28, 2024 08:19:55 pm

The orientation for new students was really welcoming, especially for us freshmen. It was a great experience to explore the different booths.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Carl Gabriel S. Vitalista Aug 28, 2024 08:03:11 pm

Very good nice good nice good nice good nice good goodgooodgooodgoooddgofdd nicer

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Kenji T. Cruz Aug 28, 2024 07:55:08 pm

uwjehehehbeheuhegdahuawuwgegeh wala ako malagay usuehegegagaggaaheggegegegwgegege

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 07:43:50 pm

It was overall a fun event. It helped be aware of many of the school's services.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Gabrielle S. Crisostomo Aug 28, 2024 07:39:52 pm

i like the event and maayos sya sana sa mga susunod na event mas maganda pa <3

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 07:25:12 pm

I had a great experience with my friends exploring the booths and listening about the Miles Paraverse. I was inspired to do my best when I learned that there were some students who created amazing applications that just graduated.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
John Mark D. Isla Aug 28, 2024 06:50:17 pm

They did their best, trying to catch the attention of the listeners in the crowd. The audio-visual presentations they presented were also well-produced and were coherent enough to understand, although it was fast-paced.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Princess Jamie Lozano Aug 28, 2024 06:21:49 pm

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Roselie G. Mandi Aug 28, 2024 06:13:46 pm

The event/orientation is very useful since this is my first time in FEU

4.7 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Angel Mae Diane D. Pillado Aug 28, 2024 04:36:37 pm

It is very helpful specially to all freshmen students

3.7 Overall Rating
2.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 04:23:08 pm

It was fun and was able to meet new friends with the help of the activities.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Noel J. Ocampo Aug 28, 2024 03:55:40 pm

offices, services, and programs were clearly explained

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Aiko D. Tabako Aug 28, 2024 03:51:23 pm

The event was great! I was able to meet my classmates and be more familiar with the offices and services the FEU has to offer.

4.7 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 03:28:52 pm

overall it was a good start for me as a freshie. I'm just sad since me and my block mates tried to complete the human bingo but we ended up short since nagclose na yung booth ng ibang offices :<. It was a great event and I'm glad to be part of it :>.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 03:20:17 pm

Easy to understand about the various facilities, staff is very knowledgable about their areas

4.7 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 03:15:53 pm

The overall event was alright and was enticing as a newcomer here at FEU tech. Would go again at different events to view what the school has to offer. 8.5/10 would recommend :D

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker

BSITBA Student

Aug 28, 2024 03:13:59 pm

The event was really good, the only downside that I saw was the topic about the uniform, it's not really talked about with detail especially with the PE uniform and since this is a significant info that the students need to know it really has to be explained with a little more detail

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 03:12:43 pm

Very satisfied, though there are some stage problems but able to manage right away.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 03:00:14 pm

Overall it was a great experience. I had fun with new people and gained a lot more information about the what the school offers.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Juliana Mharie B. Ramos Aug 28, 2024 02:53:06 pm

I think that the speakers did a great job in energizing the students in the event. And the visual aids helped in learning more about the curriculum that FEU has.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 02:52:28 pm

It's a good experience, I got to meet some of my blockmates and get to interact with others.

3.7 Overall Rating
3.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Luiz Andrei D. Dar Aug 28, 2024 02:44:50 pm

For me it's so fun, I enjoyed the booths and also I discovered and learned what FEU Tech has to offer to help us and guide us when we start our journey in this school.

4.7 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 02:31:04 pm

The orientation was very informative, didnt expect it the booths and activities.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 02:25:10 pm

The student orientation at FEU Tech was well-organized and welcoming. The many booths from different departments were helpful in showing what the school offers, making it easier for freshmen to explore their options. It was a great way to introduce students to campus life and get them familiar with the community. However, some students might have felt a bit rushed, so having more time or fewer booths could make it even better. Overall, it was a positive experience that set a friendly tone for the school year.

4.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 02:20:45 pm

The event was nice and it is very informative especially to us freshmen

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker

BSECE Student

Aug 28, 2024 02:18:52 pm

Fun and educational, the teachers and staffs were so friendly and gets along with us easily.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 02:11:42 pm

I personally enjoyed the event myself despite not knowing anyone yet. Thankfully, I was able to have so much fun because of the activities from each booths have. I received a lot prices too.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 02:06:01 pm

The event was great. It is nice that we have a welcome event before startinh classes

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Reuben Joshua D. Aguilar Aug 28, 2024 01:49:30 pm

The whole event was great however, the room positionings were a bit confusing but all n all still a great experience for me

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 28, 2024 11:05:59 am

Students and other organizations from the booths were very accommodating.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker

BSECE Student

Aug 28, 2024 09:03:17 am

The orientation was fun and it was informative. I was able to bond with my fellow block mates and we enjoyed the booths as well.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker
Akari Mae L. Raymundo Aug 28, 2024 12:11:31 am

none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none

3.3 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
3.0 Relevance
3.0 Speaker

BSECE Student

Aug 27, 2024 10:05:38 pm

Booths should at least be improved by adding more games and prizes in order for students to be engaged.

4.0 Overall Rating
4.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
Franz Christian V. Leoncio Aug 27, 2024 08:43:16 pm

I enjoyed the event. I hope they continue making event similar to this one. It helped me a lot to grasp my first day of school.

5.0 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
5.0 Relevance
5.0 Speaker


Aug 27, 2024 08:01:01 pm

its a good event, learned a lot of information regarding my program. friendly host, love the hype.

4.3 Overall Rating
5.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker
John Ezekiel C. Macabadbad Aug 27, 2024 07:49:15 pm

The orientation gave a proper introduction about the services and programs laid out by the institution. Further emphasizing that students have the freedom to avail all of these as a part of the Tamaraw community. Whilst the booths gave a relatively simple and straightforward way of showcasing what students should expect and what they could do in the institution.

3.7 Overall Rating
3.0 Satisfaction
4.0 Relevance
4.0 Speaker

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