FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Oliver Jessed N. Pineda


"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Manila, Metro Manila · FEU Institute of Technology


Personal Information

Short Biography

Enrolled within the venerable halls of Far Eastern University College, an inaugural chapter unfolds for I as a first-year student, venturing into the uncharted territory of a Bachelor of Science program in Information Technology, with an unwavering focus on the realm of Cybersecurity. Armed with unflagging ambition and an insatiable curiosity, this nascent IT enthusiast is diligently scripting a distinctive narrative. Envisioning a future where digital vulnerabilities are met with unyielding resilience, each page in their biography bears witness to an unwavering dedication to the discipline. From the tentative initial forays into the sphere of IT to the labyrinthine intricacies of cybersecurity, every passage chronicles their steadfast commitment to evolving into an esteemed IT scholar, poised to fortify the digital domain and leave an indelible mark on the technology landscape.


Coding in C++

Expert (88%)

Computer Hardware

Master (95%)

Coding in Java

Master (95%)

Coding in HTML

Master (98%)

Computer Software

Advanced (75%)

Educational Qualification

Tertiary ┃ Jul 2023 - Present

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Cybersecurity · FEU Institute of Technology

Primary ┃ Jul 2011 - Apr 2016

Holy Trinity Academy

Secondary ┃ Jul 2011 - May 2023

Holy Trinity Academy

Honors and Awards


3TSY2324 CCSMA Dean's Lister (Bronze)

Issued by FEU Tech Registrar's Office on August 05, 2024

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Best in ICT

Issued by Holy Trinity Academy on May 29, 2023

With Honors

Issued by Holy Trinity Academy on May 29, 2023

Loyalty Award

Issued by Holy Trinity Academy on May 29, 2020

Best In Computer

Issued by Holy Trinity Academy on February 08, 2014

Seminars and Trainings


ARTwakening Festival 2024

Awarded by FEU Tech Humanities, Social Sciences and Communication Department on July 19, 2024

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Modern Learners, Modern Resources: A Primer on the Utilization of Academic Technologies

Awarded by Educational Innovation and Technology Hub on August 29, 2023

View Credential

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