FEU Institute of Technology

Educational Innovation and Technology Hub


Norman Patrick M. Bareo


Aspiring Business Analyst | Multimedia Artist | Marketing Specialist

Manila, Metro Manila · FEU Institute of Technology

Personal Information

Short Biography

Norman Patrick Bareo is a multimedia artist and marketing specialist based in Manila who specializes in graphic design, social media marketing, photography, and video editing. His past 2 years of experience involve working with various industries such as real estate, financial services, retail, skin care, business consulting, advertising, and non-profit organization.

Work Experience

Full-time ┃ Mar 2023 - Jul 2023 - (4 months)

Graphic Designer at Sowenscale

Internship ┃ Oct 2022 - Mar 2023 - (5 months)

Multimedia Editor Intern at Remedy

Internship ┃ Jul 2022 - Aug 2022 - (1 month)

Graphic Design Intern at Great Place To Work® Philippines

Freelance ┃ Dec 2021 - Jul 2022 - (6 months)

Graphic Artist at Homescape Realty

Internship ┃ Sep 2021 - Jan 2022 - (3 months)

Marketing Intern at Out of the Box Creatives

Organizations and Memberships

FEU Tech Alliance of Information Technology Students (AITS)

Junior Officer - Events Committee · September 09, 2023 - Present

FEU Tech Student Coordinating Council

Junior Officer - Publicity Committee · August 14, 2023 - Present

Much lighter than a real briefcase, and just as packed with potential!

Briefcase is a LinkedIn-style social media platform that empowers the FEU community to showcase their accomplishments within both the academic and professional spheres.

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